3D Animation:

The 3D animation pieces were impressive and captivating. One piece stood out to me as it portrayed a beautifully rendered donut and coffee cup (ah…memories). The attention to detail and lighting made it seem almost real. Another piece that caught my attention was another donut, but different. Overall, the 3D animation work was of high quality and showed the artists’ technical skills.


The drawing section had a wide variety of styles, from abstract to realistic. One piece that stood out to me had a brilliant use of light and shadow which added depth and dimension to the piece. Another piece that caught my eye was a colorful abstract piece that used a variety of mediums. The colors and shapes blended well together, creating a vibrant and eye-catching piece. Overall, the drawing section showcased the artists’ skill in a range of mediums and styles.


The backend programming section had some interesting and innovative pieces on display. One project was a web application that allowed users to create and manage a personal task list. The application used a database to store the user’s information and allowed for easy communication between the front and backend. Another project was a platform that utilized RESTful API. The platform was designed with a modern and user-friendly interface that made it easy to navigate. Overall, the backend programming section demonstrated the artists’ proficiency in combining creativity with technical skills, specifically in developing efficient database structures and effective communication between the frontend and backend.