
APCSP has been a course full of difficult challenges and even nightmares. However, I have learned skills that I could have never learned on my own and without doing these unique and engaging projects (either group or individual). This is a fact that cannot be denied. I entered this course with little to no knowledge of all of these coding Gizmos, and I’m finishing it with a little bit more (well a lot more to be honest).

Skills That I Have Obtained

In short, Full Stack, which is only the coding portion. However, I have learned about things other than coding, more important values. I could write an entire essay about this, but to keep it short, I cannot emphasize how important collaboration and teamwork is. Although it sounds like an old cliche, program development is almost impossible without a combination of good communication and skills.

Future Plans with CS

Although CS and my preferred major are somewhat unrelated. I am definitely planning to utilize the skills that I have obtained in order to set up a LinkedIn account and probably acquire a temporary job that includes coding and program development. Also, I am definitely planning to utilize these skills for personal goals and entertainment in my free time.

Future Plans Regarding Education/Career

As I mentioned, my preferred major, astrophysics, is not directly related to Computer Science. However, I know that some courses regarding Astrophysics include multiple forms of simulations.


One not-very-important and absurd “skill” that I obtained was using the “inspect” feature of browsers. It’s one of the lesser utilized skills throughout full stack development, but throughout this course, my appreciation for this feature has increased significantly. The number of things that you can do with it is uncountable; from debugging to styling.