This is an assignment from “Intro to Engineering Design” that I thought I should share. Please don’t plagiarize.

Category Explanation
Client Entertainment/Toy manufacturing Companies (Main option: Hasbro)
Target Consumer High school students of all ages living with their parents/guardians
Designer(s) Mani Taleban
Problem Statement A high school student can only use their phone and computer device for education and school assignments. The student’s parents have forbidden them from accessing their phone and computer device for entertainment purposes. The student needs approximately 10 minutes between assignments to do an entertaining activity in order to become fully operational again and avoid severe boredom. The student always experiences boredom during the 10-minute breaks between assignments. The student finds it necessary to find a solution, because they cannot continue operating correctly without having some source of entertainment and refreshment.
Design Statement Create an entertaining, refreshing, and engaging activity/game
  1. Should be playable for approximately 10 minutes

  2. Should have a scoring system

  3. Should be both single-player and multi-player

  4. Should increase the level of dopamine

  1. Should only use common office supplies

  2. Should cost no money

  3. Should fit in an office-sized room environment

  4. Creating the activity/game should take no longer than 5 minutes